Getting started

Four simple steps to a working documentation site


  • Install wmk as described in the wmk documentation.

  • Install the WDocs theme by cloning the repository to a location of your choice: git clone wdocs-theme

Get your content ready

  1. Create a project directory. Inside that, create a directory called content and begin to put some content inside it.

  2. Create the directory themes inside your project directory. Move the wmdocs-theme directory there (or link to it, or clone it to there).

  3. Create a configuration file, wmk_config.yaml inside your project directory and override the configuration options that you need.

Create your output

Now everything is in place. In your project directory, you can build the site with wmk b ..

After that you can view the content on a development server by running wmk s . and then open http://localhost:7007/ in a web browser. (If you are still adding and editing the content, you can reload the development server automatically when it changes, by running wmk ws . instead).

Deploy your site

After this you can deploy your site to the Internet.

It is sensible practice to keep your content in version control, e.g. git. (In some cases this is a prerequisite for deploying your content.)

Tags:  overview

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